Friday, July 20, 2007

The Blogosphere

I have all these friends (OK, "friends" in this case meaning, online acquaintances) who keep telling me should blog. This is like the 4th attempt at starting a blog. I'm just failing miserably I guess.

I actually had someone tell me I should "be connected to the Blogosphere", whatever the f&$# that means. I wanted to hit him just for saying it.

How many posts must one have to be considered "connected"? Five? Fifty? Once per day? Do I need to plug my RSS feeds into Technorati? Be on the front page of digg? Or is that so very 2005 of me?

So tell me, all you prolific bloggers out there, how does one connect to the Blogosphere?


Edward said...

Dude, you're almost there. Just keep blogging.

Panayou said...

can this page be anymore boring baby
..write something.. make me laugh funny guy

Panayou said...

can this page be anymore boring baby
..write something.. make me laugh funny guy